Tuesday, September 4, 2012

~Glasses Crew~


       Hi, my name is Aidan and I wear glasses because I have awful eyesight and a need to wear accessories on my face. I spend much of my life worrying and practicing for orchestra, and listening to music religiously. Whilst I listen to music, I very much enjoy reading fashion magazines and books with interesting linguistics. Sometimes I like to write, and a lot of times I don't but I do it anyway. One day I will be able to write this in Afrikaans (I have a passion for languages and seek to learn every romance language fluently; Afrikaans is not a romance language, but it is most romantic).
     It would be most endearing if I learned how to properly script and screenwrite a show. I've always wondered about the mechanics of a well written show, and what earns an Oscar or a notable achievement. I have studied film since the sixth grade, as I was a part of the Eastern Magnet Program. In the sixth grade, I wrote an advertising pitch for a Smile-O, a product that would force people to smile whenever they felt uneasy or uncomfortable. Smile-O was directed as an animation sketch, and the production was horrific. Nonetheless, I had a nice time writing the show, and providing a template for the finished product.

   In the ninth grade, in Mr. Bustillos' class, I wrote an Info-flow script. The script was much too long and spanned two minutes; however I liked how my ideas were coming from my head and making their way to a live production. The project was a product of my ideals, and was truly from my imagination, which I appreciated.

    I've had a blog before. It wasn't very popular, but I learned that blogging is what keeps people connected and efficient. These blogs could be used to give feedback on assignment to the teachers, and to do group assignments more effectively. If there is an assignment that every CAP student detests and hates grudgingly, we could let the teachers know with an onset of posts about the assignment. This will likely not do much, but the teachers would know to fix a bit of the assignment for next year's class. Seeing as how the teachers monitor the blogs, this wouldn't be hard. Group assignments could easily be shared with commenting and post tools. These blogs would be most special for introspective thoughts, and the teachers and students could learn more about each other. 

These blogs will be most triumphant.


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